Filipino Edge

Thursday, August 18

Maximum Performance

I read a book called Maximum Performance by Brian Tracy. It was a so-so book, but there was a statement or exercise that was virtually life-changing. He said you should live your life with the expectancy that God is playing an integral part of your life.

You could say, "Something wonderful will happen today."

Say this in the morning several times and throughout the day. And wait.... I was raised Christian by my family and over the years have held the faith. Now that I'm older faith has become more real to me, especially when work gets rough. Brian Tracy wrote, "starting today expect God to play a part in your life, say to yourself, 'Something wonderful is going to happen.'"

In a matter of seconds I felt a surge of certainty and optimism wash over me, like I had been touched by something Divine. After that I've taught my children this phrase and when I tuck them in at night, more than a few times I've said, "Something wonderful is going to happen tomorrow."

Lord knows we need something to maintain our faith. Thank God I found one way.


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